10 Things Every Woman Should Do In Her Twenties!

1. Date, or even just have s3x with, a ridiculously hot guy. I mean, or fall in love with him? But you probably won’t, because there is a good chance he will want to talk about the plot of his novel or how much he loved being on a commune or some other bullshit like that.
2. Go abroad. Ultimately, spending money on experiences is more important in your 20s than spending it on stuff.
ing yourself to a different culture will make you a better, more broad-minded person, plus the FOOD, GUYS.
3. Wear crazy neon crop tops to music festivals. Now’s the time.
4. Take a lot of Instagram pictures. ‘Tis the age for many unabashed selfies, so that when your adult child is spoon-feeding you Yankee Beans in the nursing home, have proof that you were once dewy-skinned and had a life.
5. Pick up a sport you’ve never played before, even if you suck at it. That way you don’t have to drag yourself to yoga as often, you can meet a new bunch of people to drink with, and you can buy cute sneakers

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